The HyMetS Group is engaged in various research projects aimed at the in-depth exploration of hydrological and meteorological phenomena. If you are interested in our projects, feel free to contact us.
Development of Dynamic Estimation Technology for Identifying Potential Urban Flood-prone Areas (PUFA) using AXB (Artificial Intelligence, X-IoT, and Big Data)-driven High Quality/High Precision/High Resolution Time-lapse Rainfall Data Analysis
AXB (AI, X-IoT, Big Data) 기반 고품질/고정밀/고해상도 Time-lapse 강우 자료를 활용한 잠재적 도시 침수 위험지역의 동적 추정 기술 개발
Duration: 2024-04-01~2029-03-31
Source: The Ministry of Science and ICT
Lead Organization: Korea University (HyMetS)
Role: Principal Investigator
Fund: 1,203,235,000 (KRW)

Development of A Multi-Modal Big Data Fusion Algorithm with AI-RS-GIS for Flood Estimation and Flood Risk Assessment in Ungauged Basins
미계측 유역 내 홍수량 산정 및 홍수 위험도 평가를 위한 AI-RS-GIS 기반 멀티모달 빅데이터 융합 알고리즘 개발
Duration: 2023-06-09~2025-12-31
Source: The Ministry of Science and ICT
Lead Organization: Korea University (HyMetS)
Role: Principal Investigator
Fund: 572,108,000 (KRW)

Development of an Algorithm with AI and Unconstructed Big Data for High-Quality Hydro-Meteorological Data: Focusing on Improvement of Accuracy in Flood Estimation
홍수량 산정 정확도 향상을 위한 인공지능 및 비정형 빅데이터 기반
고품질 수문·기상 정보 생산 알고리즘 개발
Duration: 2023-06-01~2024-05-31
Source: The Ministry of Science and ICT
Lead Organization: Chung-Ang University (HyMetS)
Role: Principal Investigator
Fund: 66,291,000 (KRW)

Development of Key Techniques and Utilization Methods for Weather Observation in Rain/Snow Fields based on Unstructured Data using CCTV
CCTV를 활용한 비정형데이터 기반 강우/강설 분야 기상관측 핵심기술 및 활용기법 개발
Duration: 2023-03-01~2024-12-31
Source: Korea Meteorological Administration
Lead Organization: Korea University (HyMetS)
Role: Principal Investigator
Fund: 180,000,000 (KRW)

Development of the integrated solution for smart flood management using digital twin technology based on supercomputing
슈퍼컴퓨팅 기반의 디지털트윈 기술을 활용한 스마트 홍수관리
통합솔루션 개발
Duration: 2022-06-01 ~ 2025-02-28
Source: The Ministry of Science and ICT
Lead Organization: Hongik University
Role: Collaborative Organization
Fund: 1,375,000,000 (KRW)

Research for Rainfall Estimation Using CCTV Videos Ⅱ
CCTV영상 기반 강수량 산정 방안 연구Ⅱ
Duration: 2022-05-01 ~ 2023-04-30
Source: Korea Meteorological Administration
Lead Organization: Chung-Ang University (HyMetS)
Role: Principal Investigator
Fund: 100,000,000 (KRW)

Development of Evaluation and Prediction Management Technology for Wetland Ecosystems
습지생태계 기후변화 대응 평가·예측관리 기술 개발
Duration: 2022-04-01 ~ 2026-12-31
Source: Ministry of Environment
Lead Organization: Korea University
Role: Collaborative Organization
Fund: 3,900,000,000 (KRW)

Development of Scenario Neutral-based Drought Vulnerability Evaluation Technology for Multilateral Decision Making
다원적 의사결정을 위한 Scenario Neutral(SN) 기반 가뭄취약도 평가기술 개발
Duration: 2022-04-01 ~ 2026-12-31
Source: Ministry of Environment
Lead Organization: Hanyang University ERICA
Role: Collaborative Organization
Fund: 4,420,000,000 (KRW)

Research for Rainfall Estimation Using CCTV Videos
CCTV영상 기반 강수량 산정 방안 연구
Duration: 2021-05-01 ~ 2022-04-30
Source: Korea Meteorological Administration
Lead Organization: Chung-Ang University (HyMetS)
Role: Principal Investigator
Fund: 100,000,000 (KRW)

Development of AI-based Microclimate Analysis and Prediction Methods for Water Sensitive Urban Design
AI 기반 미세기후 분석 및 물 민감형 도시 설계 예측 기법 개발
Duration: 2020-03-01 ~ 2023-02-28
Source: The Ministry of Science and ICT
Lead Organization: Chung-Ang University (HyMetS)
Role: Principal Investigator
Fund: 90,000,000 (KRW)