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Dr. Jongjin Baik

Research Professor

We have worked with great focus to successfully complete a variety of research projects, ranging from remote sensing applications to assessing the impacts of natural disasters and climate change on the hydrological cycle at the watershed level. With a strong academic background in applied mathematics, physics, and statistics, research has also been conducted on utilizing remote sensing technologies for disaster risk reduction, watershed management, and regional health care planning.


The primary focus is on analyzing various natural phenomena and hydrometeorological factors using remote sensing technologies, specializing in characterizing flood events, landslide occurrences, and drought patterns within watersheds. This research provides critical insights into how these phenomena evolve and impact the environment. Additionally, work extends to the analysis of natural disasters and their socioeconomic impacts, particularly on vulnerable communities. By incorporating socio-statistical analysis, the effects of climate-related events on public health within specific regions are assessed, contributing to a deeper understanding of the interactions between hydrological processes and social outcomes. This interdisciplinary research supports the integration of knowledge across social, urban, and medical fields, complementing the core focus on the hydrometeorological aspects of natural disasters.

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Mar. 2014 – Feb. 2017 

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Sungkyunkwan University

Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering

School of Civil, Architectural Engineering & Landscape Architecture

  • Major: Water Resources Engineering (under supervision of Prof. Minha Choi)

  • Title of PhD Thesis: “Estimation of Hydrological Variables using the Multiple Satellites: Rainfall, Evapotranspiration, Runoff” 

Mar. 2011 – Feb. 2014 

Ph.D. Candidate, Hanyang University (dropout)

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineening

Mar. 2003 – Feb. 2011 

Bachelor of Science, Sun Moon University 

Department of Civil Engineering

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